Weed Barrier Installation Services in Connecticut

Weed Mats, or Benthic Barriers, are mats that are put down on the bottom of a lake or pond to block growth from underneath.  These mats can be used on dense patches of growth as part of a program to combat large infestations or be used in swimming areas or around docks to keep activities safe and boats from getting tangled in the weeds.

Click the image at right to see it full-size.

In addition to sales of the product we offer installation and maintenance services as well.

We can assemble and place by hand in shallow areas or utilize divers to place in areas of deeper water. Using divers for installation provides a much more accurate and effective means of placement than attempting to deploy from the surface. We also offer fall removal, cleaning, and storage of the mats to extend the life and effectiveness of the product.

Check out the mats we sell on our Products page for more information.